Hell Bank Notes

Hell Bank Notes


Money to spend in the afterworld

The word "Hell" was introduced to China by Christian missionaries who claimed that non-converted Chinese were all "going to Hell" when they died. The Chinese, thinking (not unreasonably) that "Hell" was the proper English term for the afterlife, adopted the word.

Hence the name: Hell Bank Note

Here's the idea: when people die, their spirits go to an afterlife where they continue to live on, doing many of the same sorts of things they did while alive: eating, drinking, sleeping, playing with the kids, and so on …

In order to ensure that the deceased have access to lots of good things in the afterlife, their relatives give them gifts; and one of the very best things to give a freshly dead person is a stack of high-denomination Hell Bank Notes ... money to spend in the afterworld.

The front of any Hell Bank Note features the Lord of Hell, a middle-aged guy with a beard who wears a flat-topped hat from which strings of beads dangle. On the back is an image of the actual Bank of Hell.

Note finally that giving someone who is alive Hell Bank Notes is considered to be a great insult. In fact, in some areas it is considered a curse calling on the King of Hell to collect that personage. So, not a good gift for an ageing relative.

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