Our Head Logo

Our Head Logo
This is the REMO logo. It was designed to represent US as well as representing YOU. It reminds us that we all need and desire certain things in life. The phrenology head device used to drive everything we did in our quest to serve and delight CustOMERs. And what of its design origin?

Remo at M&Co.
In 1989 New York-based designer Douglas Riccardi (then working at the M&Co. Design Group) developed a T shirt design for us based on a Polaroid of the profile of Remo, taken during one of his many pilgrimages to the M&Co. design studio in Manhattan to meet with Tibor Kalman.

Douglas Riccardi
A more recent photo of Douglas Riccardi. Douglas is a New York based designer who has collaborated with REMO on many projects over the years. See his work at Memo NY.

Seven Deadly Sins
The original phrenology-head-inspired T Shirt design was silk screened in black with the Seven Deadly Sins printed on one side and the Seven Heavenly Virtues printed on the other. That design is still available at REMO.

General Store Head
Then in 1991 we had the idea to replace the sins and virtues with these new REMO departmental words to create an enduring symbol for our General Store.

Blue Ribbon
In 1999 we added a blue REMO ribbon that also conveniently served to conceal the severed neck.

Brand Vision
The REMO Head segments have long served to inform the product development vision for the brand.

Bondi Head
Over the years we have also used the phrenology paradigm to promote various things e.g. our home in Bondi.

Hub Head
When we were exploring the idea of a physical hub space for REMO, we rebadged some of the segments.

Branding Paradigm
This would make them map more elegantly with the functionality of that physical space.

Here's a RemoGram showing how the segments of the head would be used to logically brand the various Hub zones.

Today's REMO Head
Finally, in 2022 we tweaked the segment names once again to reflect the shifting focus of the brand from thing selling to design ideas, storytelling and connection.