Stories for REMORANDOM

Ant Surgery

Ant Surgery

While humans have been performing amputations for 30,000 years, the surgeons in this case are ants. In his 11 years studying ant behaviour, biolo...

Ant Surgery

While humans have been performing amputations for 30,000 years, the surgeons in this case are ants. In his 11 years studying ant behaviour, biolo...
Venn Diagrams

Venn Diagrams

  A Venn diagram is a widely used diagram that visually communicates the logical relationship between data sets. The diagrams, very often utilisin...

Venn Diagrams

  A Venn diagram is a widely used diagram that visually communicates the logical relationship between data sets. The diagrams, very often utilisin...
Swimsuit Wars

Swimsuit Wars

  In 2004 swimwear company Speedo’s research and development division conducted a computational fluid dynamics study. What it told them was that v...

Swimsuit Wars

  In 2004 swimwear company Speedo’s research and development division conducted a computational fluid dynamics study. What it told them was that v...


  Kon-Tiki is the name of both a raft and an expedition led by Norwegian explorer and writer Thor Heyerdahl in 1947. Heyerdahl and his crew sailed...


  Kon-Tiki is the name of both a raft and an expedition led by Norwegian explorer and writer Thor Heyerdahl in 1947. Heyerdahl and his crew sailed...
April Fools' Day

April Fools' Day

There’s a day every year where there’s a very good chance that you’ll see some headlines or announcements that look somewhat suspicious or odd, a...

April Fools' Day

There’s a day every year where there’s a very good chance that you’ll see some headlines or announcements that look somewhat suspicious or odd, a...
Tally Marks

Tally Marks

  Tally marks are a numerical system used for to make counting easier. As the name suggests, it is a system that helps keep “tally” of things by n...

Tally Marks

  Tally marks are a numerical system used for to make counting easier. As the name suggests, it is a system that helps keep “tally” of things by n...
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