


A phobia is an anxiety disorder, defined by a persistent and excessive fear of an object or situation.

Phobias may develop for a variety of reasons: childhood experiences, past traumatic experiences, brain chemistry, genetics or learned behaviour.

Here is a selection of some of the more unusual phobias:

  • Alektorophobia: fear of chickens
  • Apeirophobia: fear of infinity, eternity, and the uncountable
  • Arachibutyrophobia: fear of having peanut butter stick to the roof of your mouth [Ed: Hmm … quite specific]
  • Arithmophobia: fear of numbers
  • Atelophobia: fear of imperfection
  • Atychiphobia: fear of failure
  • Aurophobia: fear of gold [Ed: Really?]
  • Autophobia: fear of being alone
  • Belonephobia: fear of pins and needles
  • Carcinophobia: fear of cancer
  • Cherophobia: fear of happiness [Ed: Get over it]
  • Chorophobia: fear of dancing
  • Coimetrophobia: fear of cemeteries
  • Consecotaleophobia: fear of chopsticks
  • Coprophobia: fear of faeces or defecation
  • Coulrophobia: fear of clowns
  • Dentophobia: fear of dentists
  • Emetophobia: fear of vomiting
  • Frigophobia: fear of becoming too cold
  • Genuphobia: fear of knees or the act of kneeling
  • Gephyrophobia: fear of crossing bridges [Ed: One of Remo’s if driving car]
  • Globophobia: fear of balloons
  • Halitophobia: fear of bad breath
  • Keraunothnetophobia: fear of falling satellites
  • Koumpounophobia: fear of buttons on clothing
  • Leukophobia: fear of the colour white
  • Nomophobia: fear of being out of mobile phone contact
  • Octophobia: fear of the number 8
  • Omphalophobia: fear of belly buttons
  • Ophthalmophobia: fear of being stared at
  • Optophobia:  fear of opening one’s eyes [Ed. This wins the prize for most inconvenient]
  • Panphobia: fear of everything or constant fear of an unknown cause [Ed: A really bad one to have]
  • Papaphobia: fear of the pope
  • Papyrophobia: fear of paper
  • Paruresis: fear of urinating in public places or in the presence of others
  • Pentheraphobia: fear of mother-in-laws
  • Phagophobia: fear of swallowing
  • Phobophobia: fear of phobias [Ed: Our favourite]
  • Pogonophobia: fear of beards
  • Pterpnophobia: fear of being tickled with feathers
  • Samhainophobia: fear of Halloween
  • Teratophobia: fear of giving birth to a monster or a disfigured foetus
  • Trypophobia: fear of clustered patterns of holes
  • Turophobia: fear of cheese
  • Venustraphobia: fear of beautiful women
  • Zoophobia: fear of animals

… and Hexakosioihexekontahexaphobia: fear of the number 666!

Story Idea: Remo Giuffré

Personal Postscript

When I was living in New York in the 1980s I had a girlfriend who had a phobia about encountering dead birds … not such a common occurrence you would have thought, and therefore not super inconvenient. However, from a distance there are many things that, although likely not, MIGHT turn out to be a dead bird. Therefore, we did much crossing of roads together.

Schott's Original Miscellany


1. Woman diagnosed with panphobia, from Alexander Morison's 1843 book The Physiognomy of Mental Diseases
2. Nomophobia on the Rise graphic. Credit:
3. Paruresis = Shy bladder syndrome
4. Pogonophobia beer? Credit:
5 & 6. Credit:
7. Video: How to Pronounce Hexakosioihexekontahexaphobia (Fear of Number 666)

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