Here's a bit of REMO History from 1989 ... (and it will be in the exam, so pay close attention.) Your reward for reading at the end.
Many, many of our customers from the Darlinghurst REMO days had their photos taken in our old black and white photobooth. Kids had their growing up documented. Lovers had their love celebrated. And then there was a memorable year when good friend Russell Cheek, then of the Castanet Club, took on the role of REMO Santa, thereby enabling him to don red acrylic garb and get up close and personal in a sweaty photobooth with hundreds of our Christmas shoppers.
The photobooth also played a starring role in our 1989 Christmas card. That card, entitled “The Human Face of Retailing,” was enclosed within a 16-page catalogue that we sent out to around 4,500 mailing list customers. (I can still recall the marathon in-store fold fest.) The card in question spelt out the word “REMO” and involved lots of REMO people holding or using their favourite products. Two push pins, one red and one green, in place of the silver ones at the top of the card gave the requisite nod to the festive season. Pretty.
BUT ... the card represented much more than just that. For those who took the time to think about it, the image also communicated a collaborative spirit and a deep sense of fun. With less than a second between each vertical frame moving down each of the six strips, just think about what was involved in this exercise. Joyful mayhem.
In these photos (left to right): Geoffrey Gifford, Remo, Robyn Backen, Cheryle Lanthois, Janet Pankoff & David Glover
This story ... an many others in Remo's book from 2014: General Thinker ... signed copy at 25% OFF for this week only using the promo code GEN25. Order HERE.
The Photobooth Postcard chapter from General Thinker