Stories for REMORANDOM



If you’re over 35 you might already be cringing. The "Macarena" is a Spanish dance song by Los del Río that became an international and cultural ...


If you’re over 35 you might already be cringing. The "Macarena" is a Spanish dance song by Los del Río that became an international and cultural ...
The Shipping Forecast

The Shipping Forecast

  The Shipping Forecast is a seemingly incomprehensible BBC Radio broadcast of weather reports and forecasts for the seas surrounding the British ...

The Shipping Forecast

  The Shipping Forecast is a seemingly incomprehensible BBC Radio broadcast of weather reports and forecasts for the seas surrounding the British ...
Chopin's Heart

Chopin's Heart

  And by heart, we mean his actual heart. During his final days at his home in Paris, the renowned Polish composer Frédéric Chopin made an unusual...

Chopin's Heart

  And by heart, we mean his actual heart. During his final days at his home in Paris, the renowned Polish composer Frédéric Chopin made an unusual...
Fictional Bands

Fictional Bands

  Sometimes fictional bands, typically concocted for TV programs or films, end up becoming real bands: releasing records, making videos, touring …...

Fictional Bands

  Sometimes fictional bands, typically concocted for TV programs or films, end up becoming real bands: releasing records, making videos, touring …...
Stradivarius Violins

Stradivarius Violins

  Violins built by the Italian violin maker Antonio Stradivari (1644?–1737) have a special mystique [Ed: Even his birth year is a mystery.] … not ...

Stradivarius Violins

  Violins built by the Italian violin maker Antonio Stradivari (1644?–1737) have a special mystique [Ed: Even his birth year is a mystery.] … not ...


  Karaoke カラオケ is a truncated compound of the Japanese words kara 空 "empty" and ōkesutora オーケストラ "orchestra”). Empty orchestra. Calls a spade a sp...


  Karaoke カラオケ is a truncated compound of the Japanese words kara 空 "empty" and ōkesutora オーケストラ "orchestra”). Empty orchestra. Calls a spade a sp...
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